Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis delivers her victory speech after winning the Democratic primary race on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 in Atlanta, Georgia. (Photo: Itoro N. Umontuen/The Atlanta Voice)

Fulton County District Attorney Fani T. Willis soundly defeated Democratic challenger Christian Wise Smith in their primary election Tuesday night. Smith is a former Atlanta solicitor and prosecutor in the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office. Willis will take on Courtney Kramer, an attorney that previously served in former President Donald Trump’s administration, in November’s general election.

Willis told supporters, which included Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens, Georgia AME Bishop Reginald Jackson, attorney Charlie Bailey, and South Fulton Chief of Police, Keith Meadows, this is a momentary pause in the race. The Fulton County District Attorney cautioned the crowd tonight’s results aren’t the end of the road. But, rather, the beginning. 

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis delivers her victory speech after winning the Democratic primary race on Tuedsday, May 21, 2024 in Atlanta, Georgia. (Photo: Itoro N. Umontuen/The Atlanta Voice)

“You all, in all seriousness, my opponent has a super PAC already supporting her,” Willis exclaims. “The Republican Party of this country and this State has already supported her. But right here is a grassroots campaign. Nobody is supporting me but the people of Fulton County. And so we need you all the way in.”

Willis also touted her record outside of the courtroom. She says her office is going after violent criminals, and the powerful. Also, she is giving first time offenders the second chance. Her office has developed the REACH program.  It provides weekly small group sessions on integrity, leadership, decision-making, character, gangs, and conflict resolution. REACH life skill training then focuses on understanding money, credit, vision, and the hunger for education.

Willis touts her record in light of national scrutiny

During her speech, Wills reminded everyone of her race from 2020, in which she said Atlanta had a gang problem. In the four years she has been Fulton County DA, homicides in Fulton County are down 21%. Violent crime is down 25%, rape is down 49% percent. However, crime nationwide is down 5% nationwide, according to Willis. 

Prior to becoming Fulton County DA, Willis worked for former Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard for sixteen years. Willis also served as the lead prosecutor in the trial of 12 Atlanta Public School teachers accused of correcting standardized test answers by their students. All but one of the defendants was found guilty of racketeering.

Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens delivers a speech at a rally for Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 in Atlanta, Georgia. (Photo: Itoro N. Umontuen/The Atlanta Voice)

However, Willis has been under attack since she first announced her intentions to prosecute former President Trump’s phone call requesting Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger find 11,780 missing votes in December 2020. 

Willis has endured constant death threats during her tenure from individuals that blame her for Trump’s loss in 2020. She also faces incessant scrutiny from members of the Georgia State Senate seeking her testimony regarding her budgetary practices. In the midst of the attacks, Willis quickly pivoted and reminded everyone that Kramer is a neophyte.

“As Matthew Chapter 25, Verse 45 says: ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you didn’t do for me,’ quoted Willis. “But as we have labored in the vineyards of justice, I have been under constant attack.”

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis delivers her victory speech after winning the Democratic primary race on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 in Atlanta, Georgia. (Photo: Itoro N. Umontuen/The Atlanta Voice)

“I want you all to understand: my opponent is completely unqualified. Completely,” Willis said of Kramer. “She has less than four years of practicing law. She has never been in a criminal courtroom. But while she is inexperienced and unqualified and does not represent the values of my County, don’t get confused: She is a real threat because of who backs her and how they back her. 

She does not have allegiance to the people of my county. She has allegiance to politics and powerful interests. Oh, y’all read between the lines. She doesn’t believe that everyone is afforded equal protection of the law. [Kramer] doesn’t believe in accountability. She will not do the hard work that is required of a district attorney that wants to make Fulton stable.”

Itoro Umontuen currently serves as Managing Editor of The Atlanta Voice. Upon his arrival to the historic publication, he served as their Director of Photography. As a mixed-media journalist, Umontuen...