U.S. Army veteran Jeff Reylemon has worked at Clark Atlanta University for over two decades. Photo by Menra Mapfumo/The Atlanta Voice

On this Veteran’s Day, The Atlanta Voice is highlighting members of the community that have served this country.

Jeff Reylemon is better known on the campus of Clark Atlanta University as “Mr. Jeff”. Reylemon has been a chef in CAU’s cafeteria for more than two decades. Prior to making the students of CAU smile every day, Reylemon served in the United States Army for 22 years and 9 months.  

Mr. Jeff comes from a long line of men in his family who served in the Army. He shared that his 5 brothers served all served this country as members of the military; two of them served 20 years and one served 17 years. That legacy of service began with Reylemon’s father who served 30 years in the Army.  

When Mr. Jeff shared what the Army had taught him, he said, “It taught me obedience, responsibility, and leadership,” he continued, “It taught me to be a man. All about the goods and bads.”  

Reylemon was stationed all over the country and the world, “I can start with Kentucky, Korea, Germany, and Alaska.” After thinking of more places he had been stationed, he added Fort Stewert, Georgia and the former Fort Bragg, North Carolina where the base is now known as Fort Liberty.  

Before leaving the Army, Reylemon earned the rank of Sergeant First Class (SFC/E-7).  

He gave insight on how he transitioned from the Army to Clark Atlanta University. “I already looked into employment for civilian work once I got out,” he said. “My first job was as a manager at a Chevron store. They went out of business after two years. My wife and brother-in-law told me about this place and told me they were hiring.”  

The rest as they say is history.

“I love the students, I love the people, I love the cooking, I love it all. I just enjoy making people happy,” Reylemon said. He said that’s what he loves most about CAU.  

He brings the same fun energy every day in the cafeteria. He is known on campus for always yelling “CAU, we got the hot fresh golden fries,” every time he cooks a new batch of fries for the students. He brings joy to CAU’s campus and has been doing it since he arrived at CAU.

Thank you for your service to this country and to the Atlanta University Center.