When you think of the name Foreman, you may remember George Foreman Sr. who defeated Muhammed Ali and was known for years to come. Well this Foreman, is his son, George Foreman III.

Foreman’s days of boxing are long gone but that does not stop him from teaching others the art of boxing.

The son of the two-time heavyweight champion George Foreman Sr., is excited to bring boxing to the city of Atlanta.

EverybodyFights, a boxing studio founded by Foreman opened its sixth location in Atlanta this month. Other locations are in New York, Boston and Philadelphia.

As a retired boxer who was 300 pounds, overweight and depressed, he knew something needed to change. Instead of going back to boxing, he decided to let his dad train him so that he could train others.

Personal training started as something small but eventually led him to create a boxing gym named EverybodyFights. Ever since then, Foreman has never looked back and loves the success the gym has had.

This is its second location through the Windy Hill Athletic Club and the Atlanta location classes have sold out.

For Foreman, teaching is such a big passion for him.

“I always thought I was a lot better at teaching than boxing,” said Foreman.

Even as a boxer Foreman never thought he would be teaching the sport.

“[At first] I was a professional boxer and wanted to lose some weight,” Foreman said. “Then I realized I loved training people than boxing. I thought I was a lot better at it.”

EverybodyFights began as a small idea for Foreman at first. After opening its first gym, it has had much success.

“It took me two years to get it going,” said Foreman. “For four years, I was a full time trainer. I put my heart and soul into it and after four years, I opened my fourth gym.”

“I always told myself, if I could do what I love and make $35K a year, I will do what I love.”

Teaching often if not always involves access to resources and EverybodyFIghts offers that to their members.

Foreman wanted to make sure his boxing gym was similar to fitness gyms in all they could offer but with more boxing resources.

“How can we work with other people in the fitness world who already have gyms?,” Foreman asked himself when creating EverybodyFights.

“I wanted to help people who are in the gyms with thousands of members and how they can bring boxing fitness to their members. For boxing, you want to give your people the best solutions possible.”

As the son of a heavyweight boxer in George Foreman Sr., a lot of times expectations can be hard. Sometimes it can even be a bit much for them to handle. In the case of Foreman III, expectations were never a big thing for him.

“For me, I never felt that pressure,” said Foreman. “Growing up I watched people in my dad’s corner, (realizing that he was a legend and they were behind the scenes) that supported him.”

This alone motivated Foreman to do want to do great things even if it was behind the scenes. In particular, this led him to create his business.

“I naturally wanted to be great behind the scenes [because of that],” Foreman said. “This is a way for me to grow a company, provide an opportunity for people to have jobs, have boxing fitness and employee benefits.”

As for Foremans future plans and overall goals for EverybodyFights, he wants to make boxing one of the premier sports within the United States.

“I think when someone spends six weeks at EverybodyFights, they naturally want to do better,” said Foreman.

“[They want to] go to sleep on time, they want to eat better and they learn what it takes to throw your punch for three minutes. I think that is what is ultimately going to bring this sport back.”

Foreman also hopes he can build more gyms in the future.

“One day I hope we have 200 locations,” said Foreman. “I hope we have one person from EverybodyFights and they will become World Heavyweight Champion or Middleweight Champion, probably a woman.”

EverybodyFIghts gym is located on Windy Hill Road. The address is 135 Interstate N Parkway Atlanta, GA 30339. For more information, visit https://everybodyfights.com.

(Photo: Facebook)
(Photo: Facebook)

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