Former University of Georgia School of Law administrator Gregory Roseboro. Photo courtesy of UGA Law

University of Georgia School of Law admissions and mentorship leader Greg Roseboro is ending a decades-long career as an administrator and educator. He is returning to practice law for one of the state’s largest personal injury firms. The Atlanta Voice had the opportunity to ask him why he’s headed back to the rough and tumble world of private practice and what he has planned for the future.

“I started my career in personal injury,” Roseboro said. 

The Atlanta Voice: What led you to make the decision to retire from the University of Georgia School of Law and academia for private practice law?

Greg Roseboro: My time was up. It is time for a new generation to take the mantle. Finishing out in private practice allows me to finish my career where it started.

AV: What will you miss most about working at the law school? 

GR: What I will miss most is the interaction with young minds such as Ronnie and Jarrod at the beginning of their careers. Watching students grow over their three years in law school was always fun.

AV: What do you believe you can bring to Mabra Law after having spent so much time at UGA Law? What are the unique experiences you have had during your 30-year career?

GR: I started my career in personal injury. I have kept up with developments over the years. I have worked the defense side as well. I hope I am able to bring the defense perspective that will help the plaintiff’s team as they serve their clients.

AV: Having earned your bachelor’s degree and law degree at UGA, how does it feel to be recognized by University of Georgia School of Law with its highest honor?

GR: I am extremely honored to be honored by the school. I see this honor as really honoring my parents and grandparents, as well as others who have supported me over the years.

AV: Lastly, I want to thank you for taking time to answer these questions. What does it mean to have former mentees/students like Ronnie Mabra, Jr., for example, have success in the legal field? As an educator, that must be an accomplishment in a way.

GR: I am extremely proud of Ronnie and Jarrod Burch! Their achievements and service to their communities makes what I have been trying to do over the years more than worthwhile. 

Born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, Donnell began his career covering sports and news in Atlanta nearly two decades ago. Since then he has written for Atlanta Business Chronicle, The Southern Cross...